2013年10月5日 星期六

Dancer out of the Birthday Cake 生日蛋糕裡的舞者

I was in Fruit Girls One's car when I heard the song.
I felt the happiness of a real couple.
Fruit Girl One then told me the true story behind the song: A Brazilian dancer always fell in love with guys who are mean.
Fruit Girl One wanted to knock on the dancer's head and ask her to widen her eyes.
One day the dancer was hired to dance in a birthday party.
She came out of the fake cake when the birthday guy blew the candles on the huge cake.
The birthday guy immediately fell in love with the girl at the first sight.
Finally she met a guy who is nice and appreciates her.
They got married a few years back and they are still in love.
This is the song played at their wedding.

她終於幸運的遇上一個懂得珍惜她的好男人。 她們結婚好些年了,依然相愛。

2013年9月19日 星期四

美好關係的界線 The Limit of Beautiful Relationship

那天來了個新同事 M,非常積極要打進我們的圈子──如果中文測試員已經形成一個圈子。

M 說:「你們都吃在一起?」


M 又說:「你們都坐在一起?」

R 忽然露出驚恐的表情,彷彿被毒蛇咬了。

原來,R 以為 M 的問題是:「你們都住在一起?」

One day a new coworker M joined our group.  Me was very aggressive to be in our circle--if Chinese testers already formed a circle.

M said: "Do you all eat together?"

We allo nodded our heads: Eating is the expressway to promoting team spirit.

M added: "Do you sit together?"

Suddenly R had the expression of horror on her face as if she had been bitten by a poisonous snake.

The cause of the horror was that R thought M had asked:  "Do you all live together?"

2013年9月6日 星期五



