2013年9月19日 星期四

美好關係的界線 The Limit of Beautiful Relationship

那天來了個新同事 M,非常積極要打進我們的圈子──如果中文測試員已經形成一個圈子。

M 說:「你們都吃在一起?」


M 又說:「你們都坐在一起?」

R 忽然露出驚恐的表情,彷彿被毒蛇咬了。

原來,R 以為 M 的問題是:「你們都住在一起?」

One day a new coworker M joined our group.  Me was very aggressive to be in our circle--if Chinese testers already formed a circle.

M said: "Do you all eat together?"

We allo nodded our heads: Eating is the expressway to promoting team spirit.

M added: "Do you sit together?"

Suddenly R had the expression of horror on her face as if she had been bitten by a poisonous snake.

The cause of the horror was that R thought M had asked:  "Do you all live together?"

2013年9月6日 星期五



